VENUS GRRRLS crystallise their emerging goth-grunge sonority with a strong early riot grrrl-influenced undercurrent. Evoking an alternate timeline where Bikini Kill predated both Romanticism and Siouxsie and The Banshees, it’s VENUS GRRRLS narrative talent that stands out once again; lead singer GK’s vocal inflections are a commanding presence against cascading riffs and synth motifs.
She is joined by Eliza Lee (Lead Guitar), Hannah Barraclough (Bass), Grace Stubbings (Synth) and Gabby Cooke (Drums), where the Leeds/Newcastle rock coven have been heard on the likes of BBC Radio 1, BBC 6 Music, Radio X, and Sirius XM, and acclaimed from the likes of Kerrang!, DORK, Hot Press, Distorted Sound and DIY.
‘2023 belongs to VENUS GRRRLS’
Nels Hylton (BBC Radio 1)
‘This is what i'm talking about, by being bold in your music’
Jack Saunders (BBC Radio 1)
‘A band who really sound like they want to make things happen; to affect some sort of change’
Steve Lamacq (BBC 6 Music)